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Osu! Hacks & Cheats Wiki

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[ Official Website]
[ osu! old Website 2007-2018]
[ osu! MPGH Section]
== About ==
'''osu!''' is a '''free-to-win''' online rhythm game, Originally released for [ Windows] in 2007, the game has also been ported to [ macOSmac OS], [ iOS], [ Android], and [ Windows Phone].'''osu!''' gameplay game play is based on a variety of popular commercial rhythm games. While keeping some authentic elements, osu! adds huge customisation customization via skins/beatmapsbeat maps/storyboardingstory boarding, online rankings, multiplayer and boasts a community with '''over 500,000 active users!''' Play the way you want to play, with your own music, and share your creations with others.osu! is written in [[C#]] on the [[.NET Framework]] and the community includes over 11.09 97 million registered users and 7.16 99 billion ranked plays.
== Gameplay ==
== Mods ==
Players may choose to use mods in osu! to make game play gameplay easier , harder or hardereven funnier.  === Difficulty Reduction Mods ===
==='''Easy (EZ)==='''
[[File:Osu! ez mod.png|thumb|left]]
Score Multiplier: 0.50x
* Two extra lives
* Larger hit circles
==='''No Fail (NF)==='''
[[File:Osu! nf mod.png|thumb|left]]
Score Multiplier: 0.50x
* You can not fail the map
* Must score in order for score to be processed.
=== '''Half Time (HT)==='''
[[File:Osu! ht mod.png|thumb|left]]
Score Multiplier: 0.30x (osu!, osu!taiko, osu!catch), 0.50x (osu!mania)
* BPM decreased by 25%
* Length of beatmap increased by 33%
=== Difficulty Increase Mods ===
'''Hard Rock (HR)'''
Score Multiplier: 1.06x (osu!standard, osu!taiko), 1.12x (osu!catch), 1.00x (osu!mania; unranked)
* Objects flipped over the x-axis
* Raises all difficulty settings by 40%
* Raises circle size by 30% (smaller hit circles)
'''Sudden Death (SD)'''
Score Multiplier: 1.00x
* Miss a note and you fail
* You will usually get an S on this map if completed
'''Perfect (PF)'''
Score Multiplier: 1.00x
* Make a single mistake and fail
* SS or quit
* Mod will automatically restart the beatmap when a mistake is made
'''Double Time (DT)'''
Score Multiplier: 1.12x (osu!standard, osu!taiko) , 1.06x (osu!catch), 1.00x (osu!mania; unranked)
* BPM increased to 150%
* Song length reduced by 33%
* Increases AR, OD, and HP by a small amount
'''Nightcore (NC)'''
Score Multiplier: 1.12x (osu!standard, osu!taiko) , 1.06x (osu!catch), 1.00x (osu!mania; unranked)
* Same as DT, just turns the song into a Nightcore
* uguuuuuuuu
'''Hidden (HD)'''
Score multiplier: 1.06 (osu!,Taiko,CtB) , 1.00 (osu!mania)
* In osu!std & osu!catch: Play with no approach circles and fading notes for a slight score advantage
* In osu!taiko & osu!mania The notes fade out before you hit them!
* Restricts your view but can help you to aim faster
* Gives you silver variant if you get S or SS on play
* you need a brain
'''Flashlight (FL)'''
Score Multiplier: 1.12x (osu!standard, osu!taiko, osu!catch), 1.00x (osu!mania; unranked)
* Restricts your area of view
* Gives you silver variant if you get S or SS on play
'''Fade In (FI)'''
Score Multiplier: 1.00x (osu!mania only; unranked)
* Causes notes to fade in as they come to judgement bar
* Unranked play
=== Special Mods ===
'''Relax (RL)'''
Score Multiplier: 0.00x (osu!standard, osu!taiko, osu!catch; unranked)
* You do not need to click
* Accuracy still matters
'''Autopilot (AP)'''
Score Multiplier: 0.00x (osu!standard only; unranked)
* You do not need to aim
* Click to the beat
'''Spun Out (SO)'''
Score Multiplier: 0.90x (osu!standard only)
* Spinners are automatically coompleted
* 286 spins per minute
'''Auto (AT)'''
Score Multiplier: 1.00x (unranked)
* Beatmap is completed for you
* Most are perfect unless messed up by slider
'''Cinema (CM)'''
Score Multiplier: 1.00x (unranked)
* Shows background and storyboard
* No game elements
Score Multiplier: 0.70x ~ 1.00x (osu!mania only; unranked)
* Double amount of keys
* Play with another player
'''Random (RD)'''
Score Multiplier: 1.00x (osu!mania only; unranked)
* Notes shuffled around
* Does not affect timeline
Score Multiplier: 1.00x (unranked)
* Future scoring system
*Scales all elements to hard limit of 1,000,000
'''Target Practice (TP)'''
Score Multiplier: 1.00x (unranked, osu!standard only)
* Elements are changed to targets
* Fail if a target is missed
== Game Modes ==
===osu! Standard===
When speaking of osu!, people usually think of osu! Standard: the circle clicking version.
Based on the classic drum game, osu!taiko involves the tapping of keys to hit drums.
Just like any other fruit catching game, in osu!catch, you will use a character at the bottom of the screen to catch (or purposely miss) fruits that drop from the sky.
In this gamemode, the Relax Mode allows you to play (aim) using your mouse.
The piano version of osu!. It's similar to osu!taiko, but more complex.
== Multiplayer ==
=== osu!tourney ===
osu!tourney is the official multi-spectator client used to view and stream all players in a multiplayer room at once.
[!tourney/Setup/ How to setup osu!tourney]
=== IRC ===
You can use an IRC Client to make a multiplayer lobby (using the [ osu! irc authentication]), this is really usefull to make professionals tournaments.
=== Commands ===
The following chat commands are provided for remote management of multiplayer tournament rooms:
!mp make <name> - Creates a tournament room with the specified name. A maximum of 4 such rooms may be created.
This room is special in that it is not closed when all players have left the room, and it is password protected from players joining this room themselves.
When the room is finished, use !mp close to close the room.
!mp invite <username> - Invites a player to the room.
Note that this does not bypass any private message blocks available in the osu! client, so your tournament staff will need to tell players to disable "Block private messages from non-friends" in the osu! options.
!mp lock - Locks the room so that players can’t change their team and slot.
!mp unlock - Reverses the above.
!mp size <size> - Sets the amount of available slots (1-16) in the room.
!mp set <teammode> [<scoremode>] [<size>] - Sets various room properties.
teammode - 0: Head To Head, 1: Tag Coop, 2: Team Vs, 3: Tag Team Vs
scoremode - 0: Score, 1: Accuracy, 2: Combo, 3: Score V2
!mp move <username> <slot> - Moves a player within the room to the specified 1-indexed slot.
!mp host <username> - Transfers host to the player.
!mp clearhost - Clears the room host.
!mp settings - Displays full room details.
!mp start [<time>] - Starts the match after a set time (in seconds) or instantaneously if time is not present.
!mp abort - Aborts the match.
!mp team <username> <colour> - Moves a player to the specified team.
colour - red, blue
!mp map <mapid> [<playmode>] - Changes the beatmap and playmode of the room.
playmode - 0: osu!, 1: Taiko, 2: Catch The Beat, 3: osu!Mania
!mp mods <mod> [<mod>] [<mod>] … - Removes all currently applied mods and applies these mods to the room.
Any amount of mods can be entered.
mod - HR, DT, FL, HD, FI, Freemod, None
!mp timer [<time>] - Begins a countdown timer.
time is 30s default.
Timer announcements occur every minute, 30s, 10s, 5s and earlier.
!mp aborttimer - Stops the current timer (both normal timers and match start timer)
!mp kick <username> - Kicks the player from the room.
!mp password [<password>] - Changes the password of the room. The password will be removed if <password> is not provided.
!mp addref <username> [<username>] … - Adds a referee to the room. A maximum of 8 referees may be added. Only the creator of the room can add a referee.
Referees must join the room lobby in-game, or by entering the room's chat channel through /join #mp_<room_id> in IRC.
Referees can manage the room like the creator, however they cannot add or remove other referees themselves.
The osu!tourney client will show the room chat for referees.
!mp removeref <username> [<username>] … - Removes a referee from the room. Only the creator of the room can remove a referee.
!mp listrefs - Lists all referees in the room.
!mp close - Closes the room.
Sending !mp help to BanchoBot will reveal the commands.
Items enclosed within angle brackets ( <> ) define "parameters" of commands. Parameters enclosed within square brackets ( [] ) are optional.
Usernames must have any whitespace be replaced with underscores ( _ ). #<userid> may substitute <username> in all of the commands.
== osu!api ==
The osu! api is really usefull to make/use osu! synced or releated programs.
== MPGH Hacks for osu! ==
