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2,015 bytes added, 09:13, 29 November 2017
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== Why can't I post links? ==
You need to be a Level 1 Member in order to post links. You can become a level 1 Member by making 10 posts on MPGH. Once you've made 10 posts, it may take 10-20 minutes for your rank to update on the MPGH database. Please note, that some URL's are blocked from MPGH, such as, links etc. These links will appear as ***.ly when the post is made.
In the case where you are trying to post proof for a marketplace thread, or provide virus scans/information for a release, you are allowed to put spaces in the links to make them visible to the staff members.
== Why can't I download an attachment/hack? ==
At MPGH, we like to take precautions with any uploaded files. MPGH Staff members check the file for any malware before it can be downloaded by the general public. This process of checking usually takes 112-48 24 hours. == How are rule-breakers punished? ==On MPGH, we have many ways to punish various rule-breakers.*'''Warnings''': The lowest form of punishment, these warnings are simply to warn minor rule breakers that their actions are not allowed and to cease doing them before more serious action takes place. Warnings do not add to your "Infraction Total", and are only there for documentation.*'''Infractions''': The next tier of punishment, infractions are given to repeated or more serious offenders. Any user may only have up to 3 infraction points. If they collect 3, the will be instantly banned for a set amount of time. Certain infraction do expire.*'''Permanent Infraction''': An infraction set specifically by an upper staff member to never expire, these are typically given to severe repeaters to remind them of their illegal activity.*'''Marketplace Blacklist''': A blacklist is given to users who ignore marketplace restrictions, users who attempt to bypass regulations, or users who have scammed in the past and came back to refund. When you are on a blacklist, you are not allowed to participate in the marketplace whatsoever. Doing so will result in an immediate ban.*'''Banishment''': Being banned means you are barred from using MPGH and it's facilities. Bans can have a variety of lengths, ranging from 1 day to permanently. Typically, only very serious offenders are banned.*'''Permanent Banishment''': The absolute worst punishment available on MPGH, being permanently banned means your main and alternate account are all barred from using MPGH, as well as being banned from making any new accounts and browsing again. Permanent bans may only be reversed by a [[Global Moderator]] and above, and must be facilitated through a staff dispute. Getting a permanent ban reversed is not easy.


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